Ivana Puskas

: )



Paintings represent part of the cycle done on canvas. They are mainly selfportraits, although the world of unreal and imagination is vivedly depicted in all of them, as a subconscious response to the world of real and personal. Personal and autonomous world of collages is evident as well.

Installation as an iterative research methodology will address the complex issue of war, identity and belonging as set out in the research questions, aims and objectives, thus requiring a multi-disciplinary form. It will address my own personal conflict narrative, taking a qualitative approach while the conceptual framework of this research is embedded in practice produced through creating my artwork situated in a variety of cultural contexts


Collages are made in the spur of a moment, as a result of an artistic impulse sometimes without the conscious control and already determined idea and theme. For the very reason the technique of collage suits my artistic temperament the most. It enables me to create fast, to combine, add and remove elements, glue as well as tear. The world of collage is dominated by the atmosphere of elevation and zero gravity. It is the world liberated from the chains of reality.
